John Durham Reappears, but his Investigation Isn’t Over

‘Latest Durham Indictment May Make Russiagate the Most Corrupt Scandal in U.S. History’, PJ Media, Victoria Taft,  Sep 22, 2021

“We already know about Hillary Clinton’s attempted takedown of the Donald Trump candidacy and presidency in the Russia hoax. We know a government lawyer lied to the FISA court in order to get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. We know about Christopher Steele’s fake “dossier,” the spying on the Trump campaign by the FBI, and the deployment of Democrat apparatchiks to conscript their Leftist media transcribers to plant or amplify the fake news in the service of The Party.” […]

“Durham’s move wasn’t so much about the indictment of Hillary lawyer Michael Sussman of Perkins Coie. It’s about whom Sussman used and the gobsmacking and sweeping conspiracy to get Trump.

Taft writes that the 27-page indictment alleges that Sussman lied to the FBI and several other government officials, including Congress, to get his girl elected. But that’s small potatoes. Page ten is where the Spidey-senses go into overdrive.

“In other words, Durham alleges that a tech executive used by the Democrats, and who hoped to work in cyber security for the Clinton White House, used his insider knowledge to conjure up phony internet links between candidate/president Trump and Alfa Bank, based in Russia. The man known in the indictment as Tech Executive 1 used this proprietary information from his companies and his connections and contracts with a U.S. university to use those workers to phony up the connections between Trump and the Russian bank.  Durham notes that Tech Executive 1 was “in the process of finalizing” a sensitive government contract. It’s clear, however, he had access to sensitive intelligence that was “un-public,” in the words of the indictment, and used this intelligence to prove-up how he’d counteract cyber breaches covered by the contract.”

Please help me out here; I’m dangerously close to exceeding Fair Use rules.  Please add what you see at will.

Related: ‘Trump Unplugged & Trump Canceled, 11/11/2020, wd, c99%

In an unprecedented move, MSNBC, NBC News, CNBC, CBS News, ABC News, and even publicly funded NPR(Radio), cut their feed(s) from the White House as Trump began to speak about alleged voting irregularities during the 2020 contest. Among the major broadcasters, only Fox and CNN chose to air the full speech. A CNN chyron shown during his speech read: Without any evidence, Trump says he’s being cheated.

A few pithy rejoinders from @ajamubaraka on  Nov 8

“Folks, how does the privately owned capitalist press determine who is the “president elect”? Answer: the same way they will determine the president of Venezuela or any other nation where they are attempting to execute the agenda of the dominate wing of the capitalist oligarchy.


Democrats, Never-Trumpers compiling ‘lists’ of Trump supporters in case ‘they try to deny complicity’ in future’, 7 Nov, 2020,

“Among the project’s supporters is Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York), who called to document the “tweets, writings [and] photos” of “Trump sycophants” so that they can’t “deny their complicity with the current administration.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 6, 2020

“In terms of ‘sycophants who were complicit with Trump’, she was a signatory to a missive (along with other ‘progressives’ and the rest of The Squad) to Sec. Thug Pompeo criminalizing the Maduro Regime, but requesting No Military Invasion, No Further Sanctions…lest everyday citizens in VZ be adversely affected.  #HowCoy

But this may Take the Cake, lol:

‘Ocasio-Cortez to Constituents on Bolivian Coup: Drop Dead’, by Jacob Levich, Feb. 14, 2020,

“Rep. Ocasio-Cortez symbolically embraced the coup by posing for a photo with this group as they brandished the tricolor Bolivian flag, which during that period had become a signal of support for the golpistas (as opposed to the Wiphala flag, which symbolized popular resistance to the takeover). She told them that she supports their “democratic grassroots movement” and offered them “direct lines of communication.”

(cross-posted at

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