Category Archives: indigenous global activism

How big corporations & Bill Gates took over the UN food Summit

An exposé by Nils McCune and Camila Escalante, September 23, 2021

It’s a story that’s sick in itself, but the outrageous perfidy and under-handedness  at play causes me to commit thought crimes. It’s under copyright, so I’ll feature one section, and you can read the rest or watch their brilliant video below.

The new UN: a public-private partnership:

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Woot! Socialist Solidarity via KawsachunNews

First, Evo, Arce, & Castillo:

The rest is at caucus99percent; Tweets are far different to embed and keep track of here than there.

Woot! Pedro Castillo Has Won the Peruvian Presidential Election

From, July 19, 2021 (h/t Mr. wd)

‘Peru’s Election Jury Names Castillo Winner of Presidential Vote, Fujimori Calls Loss ‘Illegitimate’’

“On Monday evening, Peru’s National Jury of Elections (JNE) formally named Pedro Castillo, a socialist from the Peru Libre party, the winner of the June 6 election.

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Camp Mniluzahan & Creek Patrol

If you’re in need of a heart-warming and inspirational story as an antidote to the alarming current global zeitgeist, this one may help.

From ‘Camp Mniluzahan & Creek Patrol, #LandBack for our unsheltered relatives!’,, undated (a few key bits and bobs)

“Camp Mniluzahan is established by Creek Patrol volunteers to provide care and protection for unsheltered relatives along Mniluzahan (Rapid Creek), this winter and for years to come.

Relatives and comrades who make up the Creek Patrol have come together to establish safe shelter for unsheltered relatives, since this need has not been met by the city or other organizations. Camp Mniluzahan is located on land near Mniluzahan (Rapid Creek) held for the Oceti Sakowin by the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Rosebud Sioux Tribe, and Oglala Sioux Tribe, with the consent of those tribes.

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Will Luis Arche Survive His Inauguration?

‘Bolivia: Attack with Explosives Against President-elect Luis Arce Denounced’,
November 6, 2020,

“The spokesman for the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS), Sebastián Michel, denounced this Thursday an attack against president-elect Luis Arce, employing an explosive device, at the campaign headquarters of the political group in the Sopocachi neighborhood of the Bolivian capital, La Paz.

According to the spokesman for the political group, the attack was perpetrated by a group of people who detonated a device with dynamite when a meeting was held in which the president-elect Luis Arce participated, according to a MAS press release.

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the Zapatistas could use our help after their coffee harvest was burned: a PSA

From Roar magazine, September 23, 2020, ‘The Zapatistas need your solidarity after targeted attacks by government-linked paramilitaries destroyed much of this year’s coffee harvest’  (my bolds)

“On August 22, 2020, the ORCAO paramilitary organization looted and burned two Zapatista coffee warehouses in Cuxuljá, Chiapas. This is the latest in an accelerating series of attacks on the Zapatista project since the current administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) took office.

Many of you will remember that in 2017 as Trump took office, the Zapatistas sent four tons of their coffee harvest to migrant and other communities in struggle in the United States as an organizing resource. Now we need to organize our own coffee solidarity effort not only to help recover the cost of the lost harvest, but to show there is widespread solidarity with the Zapatista project.

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Excellent news from Standing Rock!

And boy-howdy, could we all use some good news these days of nearly total Sturm and Drang

Via, March 25, 2020: ‘Huge Victory’ for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe as Federal Court Rules DAPL Permits Violated Law’ (Creative Commons)
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Dissident Women Global Uprisings

This report is hella tardy, even though I’ve been working on it off and on for a long time. But as the Hobbits say: “Need brooks no delay, yet…better late than never.  And always carry a bit of stout rope in your pack”.  Here’s hoping you’re inspired by their endeavors.

‘Mexican Women Plan Historic Strike Against Femicides;
Millions of people are being called to join the country’s first all-women labour strike, to demand government action against gender-based violence, By Isabella Cora, Open Democracy, March 8, 2020
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Massive Protests against Narendra Modi’s fascist Hindu Supremacist Law

CAA protests in Nalbari, Dec. 20

I’ve been thinking of analogies such as Kristallnacht, then after more days of protests and police actions: pogroms.  At this point, it’s become impossible for me not to write up, as grotesque as it is.  Will the DoJ and Congress sanction the hell out of him and his  government, and revoke Genocidaire Modi his American Visa as the GW Bush did?  And make it permanent?  Ah, but Obomba had let him in again with great fanfare and approbation, hadn’t he?  Because: the market of 3.8 billion people for Silicon Valley?  And DT loves him!  BFFs with virtually conjoined hearts!

It began:  ‘India adopts Hindu supremacist citizenship law’, Rohantha De Silva and Keith Jones, 13 December 2019,

“In the face of widespread popular opposition and warnings that India is rending its “secular” political-constitutional order, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government have rammed through legislation that effectively redefines Indian citizenship in Hindu supremacist terms.
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Thanksgiving statement from political prisoner Leonard Peltier


(Via, 27/11/19)

‘The year of 2019 is coming to a close and with it, comes the day most Americans set aside as a day for Thanksgiving. As I let my mind wander beyond the steel bars and concrete walls, I try to imagine what the people who live outside the prison gates are doing, and what they are thinking. Do they ever think of the Indigenous people who were forced from their homelands? Do they understand that with every step they take, no matter the direction, that they are walking on stolen land? Can they imagine, even for one minute, what it was like to watch the suffering of the women, the children and babies and yes, the sick and elderly, as they were made to keep pushing west in freezing temperatures, with little or no food?
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and now they’re coming after eco-socialist evo morales

How did I not see this coming?  This first Tweet is from the self-same fellow also reTweets bellingcat (online crowd-sourced journalism.  So now add #SOSBolivia, #SOSVZ, #SOSCuba, the whole list.  << Oh, and see the rally today in Florida at the link?  ‘R2PVenezuela.  Now that one I have seen coming for a long time…and thank you to all D progressives who’ve criminalized Maduro’s ‘regime’ in the name of…some lying drivel or other…  Oh!  the ordinary people he’s murdering and starving; I remember now!
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a tragic chronicle of unrelenting global Indigenous genocide

It’s almost too much to bear, but it’s my fervent belief that we should willing to bear witness to the continual patterns of evil perpetrated on our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and in this case, especially the children.  And oh, my, his title might almost stand as a warning for all that comes next.  But be brave as you can be, as we only live all the following horrors vicariously, even as they pierce our hearts and souls, or react viscerally.

From ‘Darkness Bringing Us Down’  by Michael Welton, July 31, 2019,

“If you dare enter the door of [Ojibwe] Tanya Talaga’s Massey Lectures of 2018, [the book form] All Our Relations: Finding the Path Forward, be prepared to face some dark truths. These terrible truths explode in our faces like mines buried on a battlefield as we traverse the disconsolate pages. An accomplished and honoured journalist (author of Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City [2017]), Talaga writes with acid dripping from her pen.
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ignoring court ruling, BLM gives Big Oil permits to drill Chaco Canyon

Around here, we call the BLM the ‘Bureau of Livestock and Mining’.  Every year they seem more committed to changing even National Monument area into ‘multiple use’ areas (read: multiple abuse).  While I’ve been working on this piece for a couple days, I’d almost postponed its publication after being outraged at the ‘News’ over the past two days, including ahead of ‘Independence Day’. Some of you may want a break from the nasty zeitgeist afoot as well.

After featuring bits from the title, I’ll be delving further into the Chacoan culture below the fold…if you don’t care to read that far.

From, June 24, 2019, Carmen Gucwa
“This ancestral Indigenous land is now a checkerboard of state, federal, private, and Indigenous land.”
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victory for enbridge line 3 water protectors in minnesota

(The Victory comes with caveats, of course.)

It’s been a long battle, beginning as early as May 11, 2017.  From on that date:

‘Water Protectors Gather at Enbridge Shareholder Meeting in Calgary to STOP LINE 3’

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Thanksgiving 2018 Messages

David Walsh at this morning brings us:

Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation:
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it didn’t have to be this way…except that we were this way

Caution, Hard Hat Area: hippie philosophizing ahead; this is probably totally half-baked, but I hadn’t had the time to bake it…fully.

The title is paraphrasing John Trudell in his scary-brilliant 1986 ‘Rich Man’s War’.  Mr. wd and I had a conversation about that phrase recently, as well as discussing my long-held beliefs and writings that humanity had been on the path of a great psycho-spiritual awakening led predominantly by the Indigenous of the earth.
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Sloping Slipperily toward Anti-Semitism

Barely a sequel but related nevertheless to wde’s latest entry.

In Raving on stage: Concert by Roger Waters ends in scandal, Berliner Zeitung author Frank Junghänel, submits a commentary posing almost as a concert review. He has something to say about the blurry line between the criticism of the policies of the State of Israel and anti-semitism and last night’s performance by Roger Waters at the, cough, Mercedes Benz Arena is somewhere in his sights.

Caveat lector: This is my translation. My comment on/at the original follows:
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The Revolutionary Autonomous Zapatista Movement in Chiapas: a Primer

(This is a reprise from 2013 I’d titled: ‘Israelis help crush the Zapatistas & Here’s why‘.  That reason will come toward the end.  These militant indigenous and their allies are one shining example of  those who threw off the yokes of their neo-colonialist by oppressors shouting Basta! , and  acting on their militancy.  Against all odds, their communities are still alive and growing today.)
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The Terrifying Implications of Gene Drives: a PSA

From, Feb. 22, 2018: ‘Movements of Millions Say No to Gene Drives as Brazil Attempts to Legalize Genetic Extinction Technology’
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Imperial Drumbeats Over Venezuela: a Public Service Announcement

The Black Alliance for Peace’s Feb. 15 newsletter, ‘Venezuela in Crisis’:
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