#SayHerName vigils and marches today: remembering all of the black women killed by police

On Thursday, May 21, organizers with Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100), Ferguson Action and #BlackLivesMatter are calling for a national day of action to center the stories of Black women and girls whose lives have been lost to state violence. Demonstrations are planned in at least eight cities this week, including Chicago, New York City, Miami, Oakland and New Orleans.

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NYC held their vigil yesterday, or at least one…at Union Square.


But in NYC:
D on Twitter: “”They should all die a slow death”: #NYPD wishes death on people who film police. #IntelGroup

Oh, and in case you’d wondered about the blackout collective’s march in bare breasts, this will explain it:
and this:

‘From Yarl’s Wood to “Naked protest: the black history & maternal politics of citizenship & revolt” academia.edu/3099154/Naked_School-to-prison pipeline doesn’t just trap our boys. Black girls are 6x more likely to be suspended than white girls. #SayHerName

Please listen if you can make the time: Poet Aja Monet boldly confronts police brutality with #SayHerName

I just love that his movement is burgeoning; that top video made mine eyes brim over…

#SayHerName on Facebook

2 responses to “#SayHerName vigils and marches today: remembering all of the black women killed by police

  1. tragically, there are far too many names to remember, and my apologies that i hadn’t remembered 16-year-old jesse hernandez, shot dead by denver PD serve-and-protect officers. local coverage focused on the resultant “crime spree” that followed her murder.


  2. Why yes, Time Magazine; the Blackout Collective bared their breasts in protest against *perceived* police brutality.


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