These Dead Children Had Names: In Memoriam…And the Living Under Drones Report

January 23, 2013

The International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic of Stanford Law School and the Global Justice Clinic at New York University School of Law released a report in December entitled: Living Under Drones.  The UK charity Reprieve apparently requested the study in order to better serve the Pakistani people; researchers spent nine months doing interviews with locals on the ground, and examining reams of documents.  These are the lead sentence headings of their basic findings; recommendations are included, plus much, much more.

First, while civilian casualties are rarely acknowledged by the US government, there is significant evidence that US drone strikes have injured and killed civilians.

Second, US drone strike policies cause considerable and under-accounted-for harm to the daily lives of ordinary civilians, beyond death and physical injury.

Third, publicly available evidence that the strikes have made the US safer overall is ambiguous at best.

Fourth, current US targeted killings and drone strike practices undermine respect for the rule of law and international legal protections and may set dangerous precedents.

In light of these concerns, this report recommends that the US conduct a fundamental re-evaluation of current targeted killing practices, taking into account all available evidence, the concerns of various stakeholders, and the short and long-term costs and benefits.

From the ‘daily life under-accounted-for harm’ section is this unsurprising but horrific paragraph:

Drones hover twenty-four hours a day over communities in northwest Pakistan, striking homes, vehicles, and public spaces without warning. Their presence terrorizes men, women, and children, giving rise to anxiety and psychological trauma among civilian communities. Those living under drones have to face the constant worry that a deadly strike may be fired at any moment, and the knowledge that they are powerless to protect themselves. These fears have affected behavior. The US practice of striking one area multiple times, and evidence that it has killed rescuers, makes both community members and humanitarian workers afraid or unwilling to assist injured victims.

There are days that mothers keep their children keep their beloved children home from school when the drones sound closer….or there is fear of some retribution that gets passed from person to person, village to village.  Children are said to wet their beds in fear at night; small wonder.  I’d guess they might during the day as well.

The report’s Voices from Below: Accounts of Three Drone Strikes gives eyewitness reports of three strikes as well as evidence conflicting ‘official’ reports.  The sections on the practice of ‘double taps’ making rescue fraught is stunningly hideous, and are the interviews in the ‘Mental Health’ section.  One paragraph:

Ahmed Jan summarized the impact: “Before the drone attacks, it was as if everyone was young. After the drone attacks, it is as if everyone is ill. Every person is afraid of the drones.” One mother who spoke with us stated that, although she had herself never seen a strike, when she heard a drone fly overhead, she became terrified. “Because of the terror, we shut our eyes, hide under our scarves, put our hands over our ears.”  When asked why, she said, “Why would we not be scared?”[snip]

In addition to feeling fear, those who live under drones–and particularly interviewees who survived or witnessed strikes–described common symptoms of anticipatory anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Interviewees described emotional breakdowns, running indoors or hiding when drones appear above, fainting, nightmares and other intrusive thoughts, hyper startled reactions to loud noises, outbursts of anger or irritability, and loss of appetite and other physical symptoms. Interviewees also reported suffering from insomnia and other sleep disturbances, which medical health professionals in Pakistan stated were prevalent. A father of three said, “drones are always on my mind. It makes it difficult to sleep. They are like a mosquito. Even when you don’t see them, you can hear them, you know they are there.” According to a strike survivor, “When the drone is moving, people cannot sleep properly or can’t rest properly. They are always scared of the drones.”

In related news, the Washington Post reported on January 19 that the official counterterrorism ‘playbook’ that is under development by the Obomba administration is nearing completion.  It will establish ‘clear rules’ for targeted killings, and iis a year-long effort to ‘codify its counterterrorism policies and create a guide for lethal operations through Obama’s second term’.

‘The adoption of a formal guide to targeted killing marks a significant — and to some uncomfortable — milestone: the institutionalization of a practice that would have seemed anathema to many before the Sept. 11 , 2001, terrorist attacks.

Jim Lobe at IPS News quotes former to CIA analyst for the Middle East and SE Asia Paul Pillar, who questions the value of the ‘playbook’ on his blog, which I read rather as ‘the pragmatism of the ‘playbook’:

“Having a playbook on assassinations sounds like it is apt to be a useful guide for making the quick decision whether to pull the trigger on a Hellfire missile when a suspected terrorist is in the sights of a drone. But it probably will not, as far as we know, be of any help in weighing larger important issues such as whether such a killing is likely to generate more future anti-U.S. terrorism because of the anger over collateral casualties than it will prevent taking a bad guy out of commission.”

“By routinizing and institutionalizing a case-by-case set of criteria, there is even the hazard that officials will devote less deliberation than they otherwise would have to such larger considerations because they have the comfort and reassurance of following a manual,” he wrote.

Ya think?  Jeremy Scahill in Yemen gets it in spades: he sees it on the ground! The Washington Post is starting to get it.  Even the New York Times gets it; the authors mentioned it in their May 29 puff-piece that ‘normalized’ Terror Tuesday.  Noting that he couldn’t be bothered with making a legislative deal to close Guantanamo, but is dogged in turning his lawyerly skills toward assassinating ‘al Qaeda’, comes this:

Beside the president at every step is his counterterrorism adviser, John O. Brennan, who is variously compared by colleagues to a dogged police detective, tracking terrorists from his cavelike office in the White House basement, or a priest whose blessing has become indispensable to Mr. Obama, echoing the president’s attempt to apply the “just war” theories of Christian philosophers to a brutal modern conflict.

But the strikes that have eviscerated Al Qaeda — just since April, there have been 14 in Yemen, and 6 in Pakistan — have also tested both men’s commitment to the principles they have repeatedly said are necessary to defeat the enemy in the long term. Drones have replaced Guantánamo as the recruiting tool of choice for militants; in his 2010 guilty plea, Faisal Shahzad, who had tried to set off a car bomb in Times Square, justified targeting civilians by telling the judge, “When the drones hit, they don’t see children.”

Dennis C. Blair, director of national intelligence until he was fired in May 2010, said that discussions inside the White House of long-term strategy against Al Qaeda were sidelined by the intense focus on strikes. “The steady refrain in the White House was, ‘This is the only game in town’ — reminded me of body counts in Vietnam,” said Mr. Blair, a retired admiral who began his Navy service during that war.”

There do seem to be some tensions that have developed over Obomba’s drone policy, but more concerning who adds names to the Kill Lists, ‘legal principles that govern assassinating US citzens overseas, transparency, efficacy, which agencies should run the program, i.e. the CIA’s virtual autonomy on the Predator strikes in Yemen and Somalia, etc., rather than questions of Constitutionality, international law, and so forth.  The CIA drone program operates totally in the dark, and is allowed to by Congressional statute.

Incoming Director of the CIA John Brennan is allegedly a proponent of transparency and ‘rigorous review’ of the strikes (God save us all), and yet has overseen a significant expansion of them.  As the ‘playbook’ seems to be his baby, so to speak, Obomba obviously wants him running the CIA Show and Dark Army of JSOC and in all likelihood, private contractors.

Zo.  What is a poor President to do about this…’tension’ among the State Dept., the Pentagon, and the CIA?

Well, again according to the Washington Post, (ha!) the CIA will get a free pass on the rules and protocols the ‘playbook’ will allegedly require (and boy, I hope we get to see that puppy one day soon) for a year or two, they’ll decide later…  Citing the dangers of the purported pullout from Afghanistan, it’s been deemed wise to ‘put the pedal to the metal’ and blow the hell out of Taliban (good and bad), those engaging in suspicious ‘signature-strike’ movements.  Those strikes were deemed supremely successful by Brennan; 2011 was replete with them.  There has been a new ‘flurry of them in Pakistan, and intent to do far more in the near future.  ‘The enemy is no longer just al Qaeda, either.  And as far as transparency, it’s hard to imagine.  As usual, the recent dozens of assassinations in Afghanistan as per PressTV notes the different versions of the ‘are they militants’ or ‘were they civilians?’ differential.

Karzai’s curliqued statements on drone attacks make sense given that some are for Afghan consumption, others just to save his own skin. Mentioning Imran Khan’s objections seemed worthy, as the former soccer star is the most popular politician in Pakistan, and might even become the next Prime Minister.  I couldn’t remember where I’d read that, so my keyboard went a-googling, only to discover that he’s being harassed and detained, and was again as recently as October 28.  According to Glenn Greenwald:

“On Saturday, Khan boarded a flight from Canada to New York in order to appear at a fundraising lunch and other events. But before the flight could take off, US immigration officials removed him from the plane and detained him for two hours, causing him to miss the flight. On Twitter, Khan reported that he was “interrogated on [his] views on drones” and then added: “My stance is known. Drone attacks must stop.” He then defiantly noted: “Missed flight and sad to miss the Fundraising lunch in NY but nothing will change my stance.” [snip]

There are several obvious points raised by this episode. Strictly on pragmatic grounds, it seems quite ill-advised to subject the most popular leader in Pakistan – the potential next Prime Minister – to trivial, vindictive humiliations of this sort. It is also a breach of the most basic diplomatic protocol: just imagine the outrage if a US politician were removed from a plane by Pakistani officials in order to be questioned about their publicly expressed political views. And harassing prominent critics of US policy is hardly likely to dilute anti-US animosity; the exact opposite is far more likely to occur.

But the most important point here is that Khan’s detention is part of a clear trend by the Obama administration to harass and intimidate critics of its drone attacks. As Marcy Wheeler notes, “this is at least the third time this year that the US has delayed or denied entry to the US for Pakistani drone critics.”

How is that you spell fuck the Obama administration again?  Cuius regio, eius religio, or: Whose realm, his religion. Staggering.

Over six in ten Americans support drone strikes in a recent Pew Poll; I’ve read numbers as high as 68%.  Not a rare breed, it seems, the assholus extraordinarus.

* James Bridle has created a new drone expose website called Dronestagram.

** You can read some human rights groups’ objections to ‘the playbook’ here.


It was recently brought to my attention that the President spoke to the nation after the students and teachers were murdered at Sandyhook Elementary.  It seem that he read the first names of the twenty children aloud one…by one…and then announced that “God has called them all home.” He then finished by saying, “May He grace those we still have with His holy comfort, and may He bless and watch over this community and the United States of America.”

In his op-ed “God” Who? at Counterpunch, the Reverend William Alberts crossly asks:

What about the children in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan and Yemen and Somalia, who are victims of U. S. drone strikes? These nameless Other are not “called home by God,” but blasted into eternity by the Obama administration’s immoral, sovereignty-violating drone policy. In outraged Pakistan alone, a reported 2,562-3,325 people have been killed by U.S. drone strikes from 2004 to late 2012, “of whom 474-881 were civilians, including 176 children . . . [with the] injured an additional 1.228-1,362 individuals, according to the Stanford/NYU study.” [snip]

Little Shepard Boy

(courtesy of lauras_eye via

The nameless Other and their children are actually victims of an American “God.” A “God who will show up at the end of President Obama’s speeches in his words, “God bless the United States of America”– tried and true codes words for American exceptionalism. And “God” will bless America; for America’s unchallenged military power now even fills the skies, allowing it to live in a parallel universe, determining right and wrong, with a “kill list” of who lives and who dies. Subtly, in this ethnocentric mindset, with much verbal and silent Christocentric blessing and acquiescence, there is little distinction between “God” and America. They become one and the same in the for-power- and-profit global “war on terror.”

Yes; again: Cuius regio, eius religio, or: Whose realm, his religion.

Unchallenged ethnocentric mindset: American Exceptionalism authored by ‘God’; thank you Reverend Alberts.  And thank you as well for pushing me to find a list of the children who have been murdered by drones in Pakistan and Yemen.  I haven’t been able to locate one for the many who’ve been killed in Afghanistan, so please allow this favorite photo of mine stand for all the children who’ve been murdered by Hellfire Missile in Afghanistan.  (He hasn’t been, as far as I know.)


Name | Age | Gender
Noor Aziz | 8 | male
Abdul Wasit | 17 | male
Noor Syed | 8 | male
Wajid Noor | 9 | male
Syed Wali Shah | 7 | male
Ayeesha | 3 | female
Qari Alamzeb | 14| male
Shoaib | 8 | male
Hayatullah KhaMohammad | 16 | male
Tariq Aziz | 16 | male
Sanaullah Jan | 17 | male
Maezol Khan | 8 | female
Nasir Khan | male
Naeem Khan | male
Naeemullah | male
Mohammad Tahir | 16 | male
Azizul Wahab | 15 | male
Fazal Wahab | 16 | male
Ziauddin | 16 | male
Mohammad Yunus | 16 | male
Fazal Hakim | 19 | male
Ilyas | 13 | male
Sohail | 7 | male
Asadullah | 9 | male
khalilullah | 9 | male
Noor Mohammad | 8 | male
Khalid | 12 | male
Saifullah | 9 | male
Mashooq Jan | 15 | male
Nawab | 17 | male
Sultanat Khan | 16 | male
Ziaur Rahman | 13 | male
Noor Mohammad | 15 | male
Mohammad Yaas Khan | 16 | male
Qari Alamzeb | 14 | male
Ziaur Rahman | 17 | male
Abdullah | 18 | male
Ikramullah Zada | 17 | male
Inayatur Rehman | 16 | male
Shahbuddin | 15 | male
Yahya Khan | 16 |male
Rahatullah |17 | male
Mohammad Salim | 11 | male
Shahjehan | 15 | male
Gul Sher Khan | 15 | male
Bakht Muneer | 14 | male
Numair | 14 | male
Mashooq Khan | 16 | male
Ihsanullah | 16 | male
Luqman | 12 | male
Jannatullah | 13 | male
Ismail | 12 | male
Taseel Khan | 18 | male
Zaheeruddin | 16 | male
Qari Ishaq | 19 | male
Jamshed Khan | 14 | male
Alam Nabi | 11 | male
Qari Abdul Karim | 19 | male
Rahmatullah | 14 | male
Abdus Samad | 17 | male
Siraj | 16 | male
Saeedullah | 17 | male
Abdul Waris | 16 | male
Darvesh | 13 | male
Ameer Said | 15 | male
Shaukat | 14 | male
Inayatur Rahman | 17 | male
Salman | 12 | male
Fazal Wahab | 18 | male
Baacha Rahman | 13 | male
Wali-ur-Rahman | 17 | male
Iftikhar | 17 | male
Inayatullah | 15 | male
Mashooq Khan | 16 | male
Ihsanullah | 16 | male
Luqman | 12 | male
Jannatullah | 13 | male
Ismail | 12 | male
Abdul Waris | 16 | male
Darvesh | 13 | male
Ameer Said | 15 | male
Shaukat | 14 | male
Inayatur Rahman | 17 | male
Adnan | 16 | male
Najibullah | 13 | male
Naeemullah | 17 | male
Hizbullah | 10 | male
Kitab Gul | 12 | male
Wilayat Khan | 11 | male
Zabihullah | 16 | male
Shehzad Gul | 11 | male
Shabir | 15 | male
Qari Sharifullah | 17 | male
Shafiullah | 16 | male
Nimatullah | 14 | male
Shakirullah | 16 | male
Talha | 8 | male

Afrah Ali Mohammed Nasser | 9 | female
Zayda Ali Mohammed Nasser | 7 | female
Hoda Ali Mohammed Nasser | 5 | female
Sheikha Ali Mohammed Nasser | 4 | female
Ibrahim Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 13 | male
Asmaa Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 9 | male
Salma Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 4 | female
Fatima Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 3 | female
Khadije Ali Mokbel Louqye | 1 | female
Hanaa Ali Mokbel Louqye | 6 | female
Mohammed Ali Mokbel Salem Louqye | 4 | male
Jawass Mokbel Salem Louqye | 15 | female
Maryam Hussein Abdullah Awad | 2 | female
Shafiq Hussein Abdullah Awad | 1 | female
Sheikha Nasser Mahdi Ahmad Bouh | 3 | female
Maha Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 12 | male
Soumaya Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 9 | female
Shafika Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 4 | female
Shafiq Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 2 | male
Mabrook Mouqbal Al Qadari | 13 | male
Daolah Nasser 10 years | 10 | female
AbedalGhani Mohammed Mabkhout | 12 | male
Abdel- Rahman Anwar al Awlaki | 16 | male
Abdel-Rahman al-Awlaki | 17 | male
Nasser Salim | 19

I wonder if you might think of them, acknowledge that they once lived, had names, and families who loved them while you listen to Yusuf Islam’s children’s choir.

34 responses to “These Dead Children Had Names: In Memoriam…And the Living Under Drones Report

  1. Hi, nice website, will continue checking for new posts


  2. i’ve been loading a portion of my old ones from fdl here first, so newer things could go above them in more chronological order. i also wanted to make it so that others could write things here as well. and as a ‘just in case’ haven for any of us, really. lately, if a person is banned at fdl, their archives are deleted, and there are some i’d like to keep. fdl’s been down since about 6 a.m. mdt, dunno what’s up with that.

    you can always check the notification boxes under the comment boxes if you want, though i dunno if i’ll post anything much that i don’t post at fdl for the time being. thanks so much for looking in, mafr. as i said, i’d hate to lose track of you. ;~)

  3. oh, and mafr, under the Categories, there are some non-political things I’ve written as well included in ‘stories and vignettes’.. Some…you might find interesting (she sayed hopefully…) ;~)

  4. speaking of political, I watched a democracy now broadcast from mid April with Allan Nairn, guest, concerning Rios Mont. It’s quite amazing. they have transcripts at democracy now. I will read some of the non political posts here, thanks for all the hard work you’re doing.

  5. wasn’t his trial suspended recently, mafr? (i assume that’s who i’m speaking with). and by the by, is there no space for your name when you comment without being registered? i always forget to log out to see…

    anyhoo, i can’t watch the DN story yet; I’m 45 minutes into ‘the bad seed’, and older film on…gmo crops. it’s so depressing that we may indeed by well past the tipping point already. anyhoo, poke around at will, and you are so very welcome. i’ll watch the video tomorrow when i have more resilience.

  6. mr. wd googled for me; 80 years he got. good. now i’ll have to check into why they’d suspended the trial; i confess i hadn’t clicked into the stories. there is just too much to keep up with…or be able to handle.

  7. that’s me, same person….. Yes Rios Mont, the video is actually horrifying, so maybe skip it.

  8. Given that it’s about the US’s role in it, I’ll watch. I got to wondering what it must have been like for Rogoberta Menchu to have gone through the process, and the third hit led back to Democracy Now. Oh, that Amy Goodman is one damned fine Wren…

    The Mayan people are extra-beautiful to me, as are the Somalis. I’d like a still of this shot to post. I’ll go hunting; someone at fdl should have written this story.

    Oh, and, mornin’, amigo. ;~)

  9. This was such a special post for Mother’s Day reading and the beautiful children in the video always remind me that my daughter told me, showing her Yemen photos way back, how beautifully dressed were all the children, even and especially the poor ones. Their lives have been turned into hell by our government.

  10. the People in Yemen don’t get much help from their beyond imagining wealthy neighbours the Saudis, and the UAR. in fact I read somewhere that Yemen people are now prohibited from going to work as domestic servants in saudi arabia, due to abuse, also saudi arabia want to build a wall, to keep out undesirables from Yemen. I read here once in a while seems pretty straightforward.

  11. missing Fatster’s “roundup” now. Wish there was a way to hookup to Fatster, but I have no clue about that.

    does too much commenting screw up your bandwidth?

  12. your daughter must have seen so much that grieved her, juliania. whooosh.
    i did check back with the bureau of investigative reporting and their ‘name the dead’ project. it seems they’re still soliciting money for the next legs of the project (esp. afghanistan), and only have a few reports so far.

    it’s such a good video, and the children look like angels, so solemn and dignified.
    yes, for mother’s day; sigh. i almost posted jw howe’s mother’s day proclamation; it’s so edgy and pacifist. we would do well to post it everywhere!

  13. @ mafr: no, comment away; i paid for a $99 upgrade, so there’s loads of space, and we can accommodate other authors writing and posting as well, if you’d ever like to. my instructions for registering got buried somewhere under the new (old) pieces i brought over, but it’s not all that hard to register, which you’d need to be before i could click a button to enable you to author.

    re: fdl: i got a couple emails from ef bell with answers from brian sonenstein. apparently their server, rackspace, told them they would be down for a few minutes of tweaking, but some hardware problem developed, and the down time stretched to this, what, 28+ hours. jane’s twitter stream says she’s looking for another server, although i dunno what’s involved with all that.

  14. Thank you for the yemeni times link, mafr. Farea Al Muslimi’s drone piece was good, save for his objection to some folks using the civilian deaths as a cudgel against obomba (wth?).

    somewhere in this mess of posts is one about jeremy scahill and friend’s film on this nation’s direct involvement with horrors in yemen. so often we are on the side of the bloodiest dictators and authors of genocide (see africa for many instances). and now so many similar Imperial projects, all undertaken as ‘humanitarian’ or ‘stabilization of chaos’ interferences.

  15. just checked in at counterpunch; a raft of new pieces look very worthy. but this tribute to jeremy scahill’s life and work (including ‘Dirty Wars’) is superior.
    note that scahill apologizes to families of drone murders…

  16. Good Morning and thanks for the fine post. It has taken me a while to read it, I teared up reading the names, made it hard to focus.

    Anyway, here we are. I think more people are aware of what our government is doing in our generic names for, “freedom and democracy.” /s Peace and Resolve, Bread and Laundry.

    I see FDL server is reconnected but without any content, yet.

  17. welcome, nonquixote! sorry to say that it’s to our temporary benefit that fdl’s been down, but…there it is. ;~)

    what a perfect idea it was to name the dead; even without bios, the names can trigger our imaginings about their lives, dreams, families…all of that. i wrote one post (somewhere in here) attempting to channel young tariq aziz, who’d been killed, along with his cousin, by drone in pakistan. i spent a few days researching which clan he may have belonged to, the cultural standards, music, services for the dead (never did find the right video for that music)… most of the cavalier brutality that both political parties now either condone or advocate seems to be partially based on their abilities to turn humans into faceless, worthless Others, which propaganda has always been necessary and effective. this project may help neutralize those lies.

    and i wonder if that notification means jane hamsher found a new server?

  18. lord luv a duck; mr. wd had told me about this story: Justice illegally obtaining two months’ worth of associated press phone records. here’s greenwald:

    same story, another author asks: ‘Can americans trust obomba now’? oy. and veh. NOW???

  19. here’s the tariq aziz diary, nonq. even if you can’t read it now, i think you’ll like the sweet honey song; it’s haunting as hell, as many of theirs are. guess that’s why they’ve anchored so many of my posts, really. it’s an lp with some scratches…
    i forgot to add the original publication date; maybe over a year ago…

  20. Now??? Thanks for the laugh.

    He’ll get his when the tease party tries to get him impeached over the IRS flap.

    Started the sourdough yesterday, about to fire up the oven and change out a load to the clothes line. Solar and wind powered, today. Later.

  21. wot? the irs flap? i thot it would be all about benghazi! bots say: ‘nothin’ to see here, folks; old news, obomba wasn’t even born yet, ‘n hillary was too old to read the edited memos anyway’, lol.

    have fun in the wind and sun, and with the growing sourdough. yum.

  22. thanks for the offer, I think I might post something here about current protest songs, which I incorrectly thought there were none of. for instance…

    rise against:

    17 million views. It’s just old timers like me that think that young people don’t have protest music. Got to educate the old timers about the young.

  23. couldn’t finish it, mafr; far too close to home right now. but yes; i’m one of the oldsters who needs to know these songs; i’ve hunted so long, and grieve outloud: ‘and tom morello’s what we’ve got??’ ;~)

    um, i’ll get the registration info back on top; videos are simple to post, and i can always edit more breaks in, and add a Category, which, iiic, has to be done in edit mode. oddly, many things on this version of wordpress are different than fdl’s.

    or: if registering fails, yo can always email me for help. some folks had a lot of trouble getting in for various reasons.

  24. Allan Nairn, who testified in the trial of Rios Mont, and interviewed Perez Molina, in 1982, and who may end up testifying against the latter as well, has a blog…
    “General Otto Perez Molina, the President of Guatemala, didn’t want his name coming up during the Rios Montt trial. (See post of April 18).

    But one witness implicated Perez Molina in the atrocities, and today’s Wall Street Journal notes that additional testimony may be available.

    Nicholas Casey reports: “Another witness in the [Rios Montt genocide] trial, a Mayan peasant named Tiburcio Utuy, also testified in a separate investigation against Mr. Rios Montt in Spain that Mr. Perez Molina ordered him to be tortured in the 1980s.”

    Allan Nairn and Amy Goodman were in East Timor, covering Indonesian massacres there. Both risked their lives.

  25. thank you for the link; good man. how long ago were they in east timor?

    and: dayum; you haven’t shown up in the User list yet. are you sure you signed up for a wordpress User name, and can you see your name in either of the corners of the black header? it should have been that you’d had to tweak your fdl user name a bit to register for a wordpress name and password (same one works both places, actually). i’ll keep checking, but the other way i can get you in as an author is sending you an invitation thru wordpress from the admin side.

  26. done, I think. Hope some others sign on here.

  27. allan nairn amy goodman 1991 : his testimony before congress: ” The soldiers rounded the corner, never breaking stride, raised their rifles and fired in unison into the crowd. Timorese were backpedaling, gasping, trying to flee, but in seconds they were cut down by the hail of fire. People fell, stunned and shivering, bleeding in the road, and the Indonesian soldiers kept on shooting. I saw the soldiers aiming and shooting people in the back, leaping bodies to hunt down those who were still standing. They executed schoolgirls, young men, old Timorese, the street was wet with blood and the bodies were everywhere.

    As the soldiers were doing this they were beating me and Amy; they took our cameras and our tape recorders and grabbed Amy by the hair and punched and kicked her in the face and in the stomach. When I put my body over her, they focused on my head.

    They fractured my skull with the butts of their M-16s.”

  28. good grief; the bravery of nairn and goodman. i doff my cap and bow. she was here not all that long ago (yeppers, mancos, co) and mr.wd got to go and see her, shake her tiny wren of a hand. i was very envious, i admit.

    re: others: yes, i will continue to let fdl-ers know where to find this place, and hope they may have bookmarked it. my sense is that we may all need a place in the not too distant future. but do email me, so i can do that voodoo from the admin side.

    meanwhile, it seems as though both sides of fdl are up for *some users*.

  29. I’m here hoping that I have registered properly; I am someone who regularly has flunked out of being able to comprehend how to get on things like FB etc. I must say I am pleased with your site; glad it is here for us wrens to flock to. And I admit that I too am envious of Mr WD for getting to see Amy, and also for his getting to hang out with you in the physical world, not just the virtual world. (Elise Mattu, over and out.)

  30. moi, aussie, elisemattu, and welcome! bug good grief, you’re not on the User list yet, either. wish this weren’t soooo complicated by wordpress bullshit. do email me at …and i’ll send you an invitation to be an author from the admin side.

    are you logged in and able to see your screen name in either the left or right hand corners of the black header bar? i am soooo sorry this is so difficult; what use is it when it is so? and my stars, i paid a goddam $99 for a haven for us, lol.

  31. ack; that you had to use an ’02’ with your fdl user name means you must have registered correctly. i’ll try User Names for invitations; how silly.

  32. and presto; a new author is born! welcome, our mafr1.

    let me know if you need any help creating a post. anywhere you see New Post will start you off. i’d choose Video as the format, then once you publish (even a string of urls) you can add text later in between them in Edit. choose a Category, which we’ve discussed, and Tawanda!

    for our newest Wren:

  33. “One troubling aspect of the media coverage was the extent to which the focus was on how the drone strikes raise animosity in Yemen towards America. While that is true, I felt that some journalists focused too narrowly on this point at the expense of the more pressing issue: hundreds of innocent civilians were killed in these strikes. This point seemed obscured by the attention given to the reaction toward America after a drone strike. Civilian deaths should alone be the leading cause for discussion and critique of the program.”

    “The most remarkable claim I encountered was that “targeted killing” was a necessity due to the inability to capture suspects. Such claims are patently false, certainly in my village, Wessab, but also almost anywhere else in Abyan province.”

    published on 13 May 2013 in Opinion
    Farea Al Muslimi (author)

  34. it’s a very good piece, with the exception i noted above, imo. civilian deaths *should* be used as a cudgel against obomba. THD often rues the fact that i name him, as he sees him as a symptom/puppet of Empire. while it’s true, he is systematically tearing the fabric our nation apart, and devastating whole nations’ ordinary people’s live apart with his lying grin and cold-steel heart. the ptb should just allow him to run for a third term; he’s all they could ever want, no?

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