a psa: ‘Sept. 11th Legal Breakthrough’

‘U.S. Attorney For The Southern District Of New York Agrees To Comply With Federal Law Requiring That He Submit Evidence Of Still-Unprosecuted Federal Crimes At Ground Zero On 9/11 To A Special Criminal Grand Jury’,  News provided by Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry [501(c)(3) nonprofit], Nov 28, 2018

This is the Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry: ‘about us’ page’; it’s Creative Commons if not for profit, and no changes are made.

NEW YORK, N.Y., Nov. 28, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry has received a letter from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York in response to its and 9/11 Family Members’ Petitions (https://lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/lc-doj-first-amended-grand-jury-petition/) demanding that he present submitted evidence of yet-to-be-prosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of WTCs 1, 2 and 7 to a Special Criminal Grand Jury.  The letter states: “We have received and reviewed The  Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Inc.’s submissions of April 10 and July 30, 2018.  We will comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332 as they relate to your submissions.”  (The letter is at https://lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/7-nov-2018-u-s-attorney-geoffrey-berman-will-comply-with-18-usc-section-3332/). 

18 U.S.C. § 3332 is clear on the steps that must be taken: “[a]ny such [U.S.] attorney receiving information concerning such an alleged offense from any other person shall … inform the [special] grand jury of such alleged offense, [and] the identity of such other person ….” The Lawyers’ Committee has thanked the U.S. Attorney and offered its support in presenting the evidence contained in its Petition to the Grand Jury.   

The original and amended petitions, with their 57 exhibits (https://lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/exhibits-index-grand-jury-petition/), present extensive evidence that preplaced explosives were used to destroy the three WTC high-rises on 9/11 including: expert analysis of seismic evidence supporting explosions prior to the plane impacts; scientific analysis of WTC dust samples showing high-tech explosives; first-hand reports of explosions by first responders; and analysis by architects and engineers that the collapses exhibited the characteristics of controlled demolitions.

Executive Director Ed Asner stated: “The U.S. Attorney’s decision to comply regarding our petitions is an important step towards greater transparency and accountability regarding the tragic events of 9/11.”

Attorney and Litigation Director Mick Harrison stated: “On behalf of the American people, the Lawyers’ Committee believes it is our civic duty as public citizens to submit this compelling evidence to the U.S. Attorney for submission to a grand jury.”

Attorney and Board Member William Jacoby stated: “We call upon the public and legal community to contact us (www.lcfor911.org) and support our efforts to ensure compliance by the Department of Justice.”

Related Links: http://www.lcfor911.org

Their about us page has this incredibly schmaltzy one from Sept. 6, 2017 featuring Ed Asner.  Yeah, he was 88, and had been black-balled by the screen actor’s guild for his political views for a time (he was a Democratic Socialist), so we’ll cut him some slack, yes?

(cross-posted at caucus99percent.com)

8 responses to “a psa: ‘Sept. 11th Legal Breakthrough’

  1. this seems to be an appropriate closing song; g’ night:

  2. Always loved that Lennon in particular. Unfortunately the perps control the narrative on this one. All people & things against the nine-eleven myth are destined for the “kook” circular.

    • i love it, too. it really is remarkable, though, that the US attorney has agreed to use their evidence before a grand jury, dunno when. hadn’t known i might have been asked so many Qs that i never knew the answers to over yonder, as this subject’s always been a bridge too far to learn the particulars. i was saying over there that i could likely find it in bingling, but at one recent left forum conference this subject had been censored, guess to ‘delegitimize the participants’?

      anyhoo, your omment hadn’t made it to my inbox, but i was coming over to bring the lawyer committee’s page of 57 pieces of evidence in their petition, and that the GJ would likely see/learn. each item can be clicked for more, but i did find this video that was so small on their ‘about page’ that one couldn’t even click through to grab the url.


      one commenter had brought this from washington’s blog: ‘gummint officials say it was state-sponsored terr’ism, but disagree which nation’


      nice to see you, mein herr.

      • yeppers: dave lindorf, dissident voice, june 2, 2017:

        ‘According to the organizers of the banned panels, the first decision to ban three of the five planned Deep State events was announced by the LF board on May 8, in a brief email message that offered no explanation for the decision, and that was reached without first offering either the panel organizers or the individuals defamed a chance to respond to the unacknowledged charges. Here’s the note that was sent out by the board on May 8 (less than four weeks before the start of the Left Forum event)’:

        “Unfortunately, we are writing to inform you that your panels
        A) Panel Title: 9/11 Truth: Ground Zero for a Resistance Movement
        B) Panel Title: False Flags: Staged, Scripted, Mass Psy-Op Events
        C) Panel Title: “Terrorism”: Fake Enemies, Fraudulent Wars
        have not been selected as a part of this year’s Left Forum program. We do not take for granted the time and effort organizers put in to the proposal process and understand that this news may come as a disappointment.
        We do however want to express our appreciation for your interest in making a programmatic-contribution to the 2017 conference.
        We wish you all the best with your work and in the future.
        Registration fees already made for speakers can be refunded.
        Thank you very much.”


        how veddy lefty of them…

  3. I spent some time with the exhibits today – they’re pretty interesting. I hadn’t known about the seismic evidence, and watching MacQueen’s delivery conveys the seriousness of these pursuers of truth.

    • woot! another comment; thank you greyson smythe. i admit i hadn’t spent a lotta time on the exhibits, but there were only 47 (?), not the advertised number. but most folks say that building 7 is one of the big tells, and i’d have to agree.

      thanks for commenting, darlin’.

  4. I just stumbled across this interview with Barbara Honegger and Richard Gage with the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. I’ve listened to the first 10 minutes so far. Recorded on December 7th.

    • thank you, greyson, although it’s hard for me to spend that much time (49 mins) listening to a video (transcripts are far easier), especially as i don’t retain much in a video, although images are helpful. at the café any more, comments are apt to come on several different diaries over a day or three, and ooof: do i have a hard time resetting my mind. heading over to c99 to see if there are more comments on danny haiphong’s esay at BAR.

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