Congress ‘Close’ to Coronavirus ‘Deal’

The good, the bad, and the very, very dismal fucked up.

‘Hill leaders close in on Covid stimulus deal’
Negotiators have left out the two most contentious items of the possible agreement’,, Dec. 16. 2020

“Congressional negotiators are on the brink of a coronavirus rescue package that would include a second round of direct payments and boost unemployment benefits, but would leave out state and local funding and a liability shield, according to lawmakers and sources briefed on the talks.

The price tag of the emerging deal is roughly $900 billion, and a deal could be finalized on Wednesday, those sources said. Senate Majority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) said the proposal would likely include direct checks to individuals of $600 to $700 and a weekly unemployment boost of $300 through March.

[No mention of checks for children…]

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sounded upbeat on Wednesday morning about the progress that the top four congressional leaders had made over the last 24 hours. He said he believed the impending compromise can pass both the House and Senate and gain support from both parties.” […]

“Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer also said negotiators are close to an agreement. He also said that his party would push for a larger deal next year when Joe Biden assumes the presidency.

You rock, Chuckles; whatever the ‘larger deal’ will contain!

‘Congress close to coronavirus deal that includes stimulus checks’,, Dec. 16, 2020

“The $900 billion package is the result of months of stop-and-start negotiations that received a boost in early December when a bipartisan group of senators and House members unveiled their own $908 billion package after talks between Democratic leaders and the White House stalled.

The emerging deal, however, will not include $160 billion in new state and local aid or liability protection for businesses and other organizations — two of the most contentious issues of the talk.

The new round of stimulus checks cost approximately the same as the $160 billion in state and local aid that negotiators have set aside in hopes of reaching a deal by week’s end.

Senate and House leaders want to attach the new coronavirus relief package to a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending package that needs to pass by Dec. 18 to keep the government funded.” […]

“Thune said the plan for the House to act on the combined COVID relief-omnibus spending package first and send it to the Senate to pass before the Friday night deadline.”

(cross-posted at

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